This comprehensive, award winning tome addresses all aspects of cancer imaging, from diagnosis to long-term follow up to keep all radiologists and those looking with cancer…
Bold, passionate, and erotic, "Lady Chatterley's Lover" is a truly classic novel of the 20th century, now available in a Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition.…
Why some problems persist while others are resolved. This classic book deals with the age-old questions of persistence and change. It asks how problems arise and…
This engaging and engrossing history of the brain and the emergence of modern neuroscience chronicles the many significant people and events that gradually produced today's understanding…
Under Western Eyes traces a sequence or error, guilt, and expiation. Its composition placed such demands upon Conrad that he suffered a serious breakdown upon its…
Despite its position at the heart of Europe and its quintessentially European nature, Switzerland's history is often overlooked within the English-speaking world. This comprehensive and engaging…
The greatest name in foreign language dictionaries is Cassell, the preeminent publisher of dictionaries for over 120 years. For fast, easy reference and comprehensive coverage, "Cassell's"…
On May 8, 1945, Victory in Europe Day-shortened to "V.E. Day"-brought with it the demise of Nazi Germany. But for the Allies, the war was only half-won. Exhausted but exuberant American soldiers, ready to return home, were sent to join the fighting in…
"Teaching Special Students in General Education Classrooms," 8e, benefits all students in the Inclusion and Introduction to Special Education and Courses by providing teachers with the…
When penniless businessman Mr. Bedford retreats to the Kent coast to write a play, he meets by chance the brilliant Dr. Cavor, an absentminded scientist on…
In 1972, three scientists from MIT created a computer model that analyzed global resource consumption and production. Their results shocked the world and created stirring conversation about global 'overshoot, ' or resource use beyond the carrying capa…
Conflict economics contributes to an understanding of violent conflict in two important ways. First, it applies economic analysis to diverse conflict activities such as war, arms…