Russia By Martin Sixsmith Rs.1,197 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 DaysAbout the Book : Russia is a country of contradictions: a nation of cultural refinement and artistic originality and yet also a country that rules by…
Advances in Working Capital Management: … By H Kim Yong H Rs.7,246 Rs.4,933 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 3 - 5 Days
The New Testament: A Very Short Introduction By Luke Timothy Johnson Rs.896 Rs.699 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 Days
The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia By Samuel Johnson Rs.828 Rs.646 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 7 - 9 DaysThis scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional …
13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the … By Simon Johnson Rs.1,196 Rs.933 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 17 - 22 DaysJohnson and Kwak examine not only how Wall Street's ideology, wealth, and political power among policy makers in Washington led to the financial debacle of 2008,…
Experiencing Corrections: From Practitioner … By Lee Michael Johnson Rs.3,041 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 DaysShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,766Written by scholars who have practical experience in corrections, the readable essays in this one-of-a-kind collection draw on real-world experiences to illustrate theoretical and methodological concepts…
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The Cambridge Companion to Mary … By Claudia L Johnson Rs.2,211 Rs.2,200 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 15 - 18 DaysShipping Cost Per Unit Rs.2,766Once viewed solely in relation to the history of feminism, Mary Wollstonecraft is now recognized as a writer of formidable talent across a range of genres,…
The Handbook of Good English By Edward D Johnson Rs.2,096 Rs.1,677 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 DaysNow substantially revised and updated, this essential guide is arranged in an easy-to-follow, topical style that takes readers from the rules governing basic sentence structure to…
This Child Will Be Great: Memoir of a … By Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Rs.1,199 Rs.935 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 DaysIn January 2006, after the Republic of Liberia had been racked by fourteen years of brutal civil conflict, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf--Africa's "Iron Lady"--was sworn in as…
The Computer and the Mind: An Introduction … By Philip N Johnson Laird Rs.3,225 Rs.3,128 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 DaysIn a field choked with seemingly impenetrable jargon, Philip N. Johnson-Laird has done the impossible: written a book about how the mind works that requires no…
The Elements of MATLAB Style By Richard K Johnson Rs.1,499 Rs.1,424 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 11 - 18 DaysA guide for MATLAB programmers that offers a collection of standards and guidelines for creating MATLAB code that will be easy to understand, enhance and maintain.…
Gastrointestinal Physiology: Mosby … By Leonard R Johnson Rs.3,877 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 10 - 15 Days
Star Trek/Green Lantern, Vol. 2: Stranger … By Mike Johnson Rs.2,119 Rs.1,653 In StockSold by Infibeam SellerShips in 7 - 9 Days
Principles and Practice of Mechanical … By Martin J Tobin Rs.16,041 Rs.15,881Coming SoonComing Soon Substantially revised, this second edition offers thorough content incorporating current scientific, technical, and clinical standards on mechanical ventilation.…